
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
The Coming Migration
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Unprecedented climate events are forcing people across the world to confront an unfathomable choice: to rebuild, adapt, or move.
As the situation intensifies, the narrative of climate migration merges with the massive urban migration already in progress. The shocking figure surpassing 100 million forcibly displaced individuals speaks volumes, where climate change now drives people from their homes more than conflicts
The year 2024 must signify the start of a broader dialogue on managing mass climate migration and the potential establishment of an overseeing global body. While we may have failed to prevent climate change, the chance to avert its most severe consequences still lies within our collective grasp.

Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Enfield Climate Action Podcast
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
The Council has been doing very little to raise awareness of the Local Plan and the upcoming consultation. Please share this podcast with your friends and family and let people know what's happening. It affects everyone.

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
How Medics Engage Communities
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
In this Podcast we talk to Dr Beryl De Souza about the different ways medics engage communities in a time of climate change. Beryl is a plastic surgeon but she is also a community activist. She works closely with the Enfield Racial Equality Council (EREC) and is a passionate supporter of the work they do in the diverse community of Enfield.
In the Podcast she talks about how medics can engage over the issues of public health and climate change and explains how climate change will and has already created a health crisis.
Medics of all kinds are getting increasingly concerned at the impact that climate change is having on air pollution, heat exhaustion, on well being and mental health and on the possibility of disease spreading as well as future pandemics.
She talks about the need for agencies to work together in collaborative networks and the importance of creating relationships with communities and individuals.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Media & Engagement Over Time
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Trevor Blackman works for the Edmonton School Partnership but he also wears another hat in that his is involved in Maritime Radio a steaming radio station. He used to work with local radio in the BBC.
Here Francis Sealey who also worked as a Producer in the BBC talks to Trevor about engagement in the media and how it has changed over time.
When Francis started there were no audio or video cassettes let alone streaming and the change over the years has been enormous.
Both Francis and `Trevor talk about those changes and how they have affected the way we communicate in the new media.

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Taking Action Over Climate Change
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022

Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Sustainability in the NHS.
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Here we interview Katies Knight about her efforts and that of others to achieve a “green NHS” that has sustainability embedded in all it does.
Katie is a Paediatric Emergency Medicine Consultant in the North Middlesex Hospital and has taken a lead in forming a Sustainability Group within her trust.
Working together they try to collaborate with the Trust to ensure that the site of the Trust and its practices follow green principles in how the site is organised and in its procurement.
Katie is passionate about climate change and tells us that many of the younger generation of doctors are increasingly feeling this way as they see the emergency of climate change threatening the health of the children they work with.
We are pleased to do this interview with Katie and equally pleased that sh has also agreed to join our EnCaf Core Group.

Friday Jul 22, 2022
Climate Cafes & Climate Anxiety
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
In this interview we talk to Rebecca Nestor who is a member of the Climate psychology alliance and has become part of what is know as the Climate Cafe movement.
Rebecca talks about the growing anxieties that people are feeling about climate change and the stress and guilt they sometimes have of feeling helpless and concerned they can do nothing about it.
Climate Cafes were set up so that people could join with others to talk about their feelings and share their anxieties. They take different forms in the many locations where they are found and some develop into other forms as the cafe develops. One cafe for example turned into a book group.
But having a place where people can talk openly and freely with others is important and climate cafes fulfil a need that is growing as the impact of climate change is every more visible.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Whistleblowing & Local Authorities
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
In this Podcast we talk to Andrew Samuels who is the Group CEO of WislPort and they have a team to help organisations set up a whistleblowing strategy and they also help individuals who want to whistleblow about wrong doing or unethical practices in their company or organisation
Often information about climate change, emissions, the success of offsetting and much more is not always totally transparent within local authorities. One way to address this is through creating gateways for employees to whistleblow.
In many local authorities there has been doubt about the information they give out on pollution or waste and recycling and officers are often pressured to only give out limited information or collaborate only with groups that support the ruling party of whatever colour.
Here we look at what whistleblowing is, how authorities and individuals can use it, how anonymity is ensured and who to contact should anyone feel so strongly that they see whistleblowing as their only way for the truth to be told.

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Our Child of the Stars, An Interview With Stephen Cox
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
In this Podcast we interview Stephen Cox about his second novel - Our Child of the Stars. Stephen uses science fiction to explore a number of crucial issue including family relationships, existential threats, personal ambition and the enduring quality of compassion.
Small-town USA, entering the Seventies. A childless couple Gene and Molly adopted a strange, wounded child of the stars they call Cory.
Molly is the main narrative voice – a passionate nurse fighting for her own extraordinary child. Cory is gentle, vibrant, excitable, endlessly curious and loving – and both joy and danger comes from his otherworldly origins.
In Our Child of Two Worlds a figure from the past brings uncomfortable truths and Gene and Molly face the terrifying loss of everything they took for granted. Humanity needs Cory’s people to return to save the Earth – but if they take Molly’s son, it will break her heart.

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Climate Change & Emergency Planning
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
In this Podcast we talk to Sarah Eastwood who is the Emergency Planning Officer for the North Mid Hospital Trust.
We explore what emergency planning is around a crisis incident. However we also discuss what emergency planning means when the crisis is long term such as climate change and whether that needs a new way or working and also of thinking.
We loo at how working together in bottom up collaborative networks is important and how over time these need to be improved.