
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Supporting The Elderly In A Time Of Crisis
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
In this Podcast we interview Nicolas Kee Mew who is the new manager of the Elsyng House Care Home. Nicolas will talk about his new position and how to protect the elderly at a time of crisis like that of Covid and Climate Change
His passion and curiosity for dementia has led him to studying his Master's Degree in Dementia at Stirling University. His philosophy is one that embraces holistic care, He prides himself in leading a care team that delivers person-centred and culturally sensitive care which is provided to residents, family and friends.

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Making Schools Green
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
In this Podcast members of EnCaf Youth and the Youth Parliament interview Henry Greenwood on The Green School Project.
The idea of a Green School is one that is gaining traction across the globe. On November 19th at 7.0pm members of EnCaf Youth and the Youth Parliament will be interviewing Henry Greenwood who has started a Green School Project in the UK.
As part of the first cohort of Teach First in 2003 Henry trained as a Maths teacher at Kingsmead School in Enfield. During his time at the school he created and developed the role of Sustainability Coordinator. He assembled a group of enthusiastic Year 12 students who then embarked on an energy saving campaign that saved the school around £35,000 over 3 years, started a recycling competition in which 93% of forms took part, installed solar panels, created a vegetable garden selling potatoes, onions and carrots to staff, and carried out various other projects for which they were awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag.
After 2 years as Head of Maths at Skinners’ Academy in Hackney he decided to step out of teaching in order to start Green Schools Project. The ideas and resources built up during the successful programme at Kingsmead have been used as the basis for this.
There are now over 20 schools involved in The Green School Project and we are really pleased that EnCaf Youth are interviewing him so the idea can spread to Enfield from where the idea originally started.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Local Sustainability & The Food Gatherer
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
EnCaf Youth Meeting November 16th 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
This is the recording of our meeting on November 16th at 6.0pm 2020

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Mindfulness and Hypnobirthing in Covid Birthing environments.
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
A podcast with Anuka Gazara-Anthony.

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
The Growing Poverty of Debt
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
In this Podcast we talk to Melanie Smith about the new Enfield Debt Churches Centre just about to be launched. There are something like 6 million people in debt in the UK and the average debt per adult is almost £32,000.
Covid has increased the burden of personal debt and as the ravages of climate change impact on us in this coming century then it can only get worse.
So Melanie together with a number of Churches in Enfield have got together to help tackle the problem of debt and they will be working with other organisations to help as well. They want to help families tackle debt, provide advice and support and also tackle some of the structural problems that make debt such a huge problem.
They have also been talking to Feryal Clark MP about a covid-debt cancellation initiative and how this maybe taken forward.

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods & Doubts
In this first Podcast of two we interview protagonists in the dispute that has arisen over Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. Today’s interview will involve those who have reservations about low traffic neighbourhoods and the lack of consultation.
The introduction of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods as a result of central government finance being made available during the Covid pandemic has caused furore across London with accusations flying from each and every side.
Often there is so much in common between the antagonists in this debate. They all want calmer streets, lower emissions and a greener environment. The dispute seems to be about whether one model fits all, the seemingly absence of strategic planning and the lack of consultation.
So we have been asked to interview both sides in this discussion and we are more than happy to do so, The first one will be on this coming Thursday November 5th at 6.0pm and will include representative from Bowes & Bounds Voice, Lakes Estate One Community and Winchmore Hill Residents.
In the following week on November 11th at 7.0pm there will be an interview with residents in favour of LTNs including residents from the Bowes and Fox Lane areas and members of Better Streets for Enfield.
The hope is that we can find some common ground as all are concerned with improving the environment of our streets and addressing the pressing issue of carbon emissions.

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Global Governance In Crisis
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
In this Podcast we interview Amelia Hadfield who is the Head of Politics at University of Surrey
As the world descends into crisis with pandemics, climate change and nuclear proliferation the world order seems unable to respond in a coherent way.
In this webinar we will discuss whether the global system of Governance that we have created since World War 2 is now fit for purpose. Is the United Nations able to fulfil the task of its charter and do organisations like the World Bank and the IMF reflect the needs of our world of turbulence.
We will discuss if there are other models that might offer some answers to the growing global chaos and whether one of the these is the Commonwealth model which emphasises collaboration, citizen involvement and learning.
Amelia joined the University of Surrey in January 2019 as Head of the Department of Politics, and Chair in European and International Affairs. She is a regular commentator on a wide range of media outlets, including: BBC World Service, BBC News24, Radio 5Live, BBC Radio London, BBC Asian Network, BBC Radio Ulster, Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC). TV appearances include BBC One, BBC News Channel, BBC Arab Network, Victoria Derbyshire Show, RussiaToday, and various outlets in Asia.

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Heading For Extinction - The Story Of An Activist
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
In this Podcast we interview Zoey Cooper from Southgate and who became an environmental activist in the last few years.
Zoey has wide experience in marketing and has always been interested in the environment but it was not until she joined an XR demonstration on Waterloo Bridge that she began to fully realise the seriousness of climate change. And as she says,
“Passionate about sustainability and permaculture, I leverage my 15+ years of communication and brand experience to inform and engage as wide an audience as possible on the climate and ecological emergency – and how to do something meaningful about it.”
Zoey now realises that if we do not take action now and not in a few years time then humankind could well be heading for extinction - the Sixth Extinction of life that our planet has known in its history.
Zoey now gives talks on the journey we are making towards extinction and tries to create awareness that we must do something now. Zoey has also offered to be active in the Enfield Climate Change Action Fortum as part of her mission to arouse awareness and to galvanise people to take action.