
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Building Strong and Impactful Connected BAME Communities
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
In this Podcast we interview Michaelene Gail Holder-March where we discuss health and the BAME communities.
In May 2020, the BAME Health Collaborative (BHC) charity was formed to provide sensible healthcare solutions to address the disparity in healthcare provisions offered in the UK.
They have consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of their amazing community! Informed and strong connected BAME communities are essential for the health and well-being of BAME people.
Building strong and Impactful Connected Communities is about unifying, vision, partnerships and strengthening community power, organising ourselves, planning for the future, mobilising capital to make strategic investments in community health and wellbeing, and building bridges of support and shared understanding with our skilled, experienced qualified professionals within our communities.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Enfield Enterprises & Building Better Businesses
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
In this Podcast we interview Despina Johnson of Enterprise Enfield about the work they do and about their future plans.
Enterprise Enfield is a not for profit enterprise agency offering information, expert advice, guidance and training to help people start new businesses as well as develop and expand established ones.
They run a number of activities including support for women entrepreneurs and also offer training webinars. They also work in partnership with other organisations like Love Your Doorstep in Enfield and the North London Credit Union.
They are about to open their new London Business Hub in Southgate and will tell us about their plans for that and also how they have coped and helped others during the present pandemic

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Good for the Seoul: A journey from South Korea to Enfield
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
In this Podcast Hannah Dyson will be interviewing Taemin Oh who is the Vicar of Saint George in Enfield
Taemin originally came from South Korea and Hannah will explore with him his journey to the UK, why he came here and how he came to be the Vicar of an Enfield Church.
Taemin is involved with lots of community action in Enfield and has been involved with the Felix Project as well.
It will be interesting to hear South Korean perspective on how we do things in the UK, how he’s had to adapt to life in London and Colchester.

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Plastic Pollution & Our Global Oceans
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
In this Podcast with Jo Ruxton we discuss the huge problem of plastic waste and its impact on the oceans of our globe.
350 million tonnes of plastic are being produced each year. This could weigh more than humanity, estimated at 316 million tonnes in 2013. 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year. If waste management practices don't improve, scientists predict this amount could increase tenfold by 2025
Plastics make up to around 75% of marine litter, although this can be up to 100% at some sites. Plastic in the ocean breaks up into smaller fragments called microplastics, which have been identified in commercial fish consumed by humans.
Jo Ruxton is the Founder Director and Producer of “A Plastic Ocean” the award winning documentary. It’s been named by Sir David Attenborough as “one of the most important films of our time” and has ignited mass consumer awareness.

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
The Tragedy of George Floyd And The Need For Police Reform
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
In this Podcast we discuss with Chief Gordon L. Wiborg, Jr the consequences of the George Floyd’s killing for race relations in America.
Chief Gordon L. Wiborg, Jr is a retired Police Chief in the United States and who is now President of National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc. (NJCDLP)
The NJCDLP was set up to examine abuse in the judicial system in the US and how it adversely impacts on minorities and specifically black people. Gordon with others have now set up the the Blue Sky and Golden Badge Projects involving an international support group for pro-reform law enforcement officers including prison correctional officers.
We will examine the need for judicial reform in the USA and how the Black Lives Matter movement has been a catalyst for this and for those like Gordon L. Wiborg, Jr who have campaigned for justice for those discriminated against by the judicial system.
We are joined in this Podcastby othersinvolved in judicial reform and these could nclude NJCDLP’s Executive Director, Dr. Zena D. Crenshaw-Logal; Mr. Maurice Morris, Golden Badge’s National Membership Recruiter and a former Deputy Sheriff as well as candidate for Sheriff in Lucas County, Ohio where he is the Safe Cop Coordinator for the National Police Defense Foundation;
It should be an interesting webinar that in the light of current events is of vital importance.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Collaborative Practice - A Different Way Of Working In General Practice
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
In this Podcast we talk to Alyson McGregor of Altogether Better.
Altogether Better works with people in health and social care across the UK and beyond to develop Collaborative Practice, a new way of organising that makes life better for everybody.
Altogether Better is an NHS national network organisation, supporting health and care services across the UK to introduce their model of Collaborative Practice. Their network approach is used in over 130 GP practices and has also been tested in other health and care settings, including acute hospital trusts, mental health, young people’s services and care homes.
Collaborative Practice invites local people to gift their time to a local GP practice or health service, working alongside people who deliver health services in a new, collaborative relationship. As a result, the practice and how it works changes.

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Creating An Inclusive Society - Nationally & Locally
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
In this Podcast we talk to Ade Adeshina from the O”-Bay Community Trust
The last two weeks have been traumatic experiences for many as the death of George Floyd has made many of us rethink our attitudes to discrimination. . Here we talk to Ade Adeshina about how it has affected him and his community here in Enfield. Has the protests and demonstrations given hope or yet more despair?
We will also talk about how he views the performance of the London Borough of Enfield in creating an inclusive community. Ade feels that Enfield has much work to do to become inclusive to the Black and African and Caribbean Community.
O”-Bay Community Trust is a voluntary organisation with
its head office in Enfield, North London. It was funded in 1990 with the aim to support local BME groups and individuals. We provide free confidential and impartial information, advice and guidance on issues pertaining to education, welfare rights, childcare provision, housing, health, debts, environment, local community events, and black history and heritage events

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Understanding The Climate Crisis - A Marxist View
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020

Friday Jun 12, 2020
What Has Corona Virus Done For The Role Of The MP
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
In this Podcast we talk to Feryal Clark MP about how the pandemic of Covid 19 has affected her work both as a case worker for her constituents and as a scrutiniser of Government.
Over time the role of an MP has changed . The traditional role of an MP is to represent their constituents in the House of Commons and hold the government to account – participating in debates, asking questions, and voting on legislation. If we look back to even a couple of decades ago, MPs were not expected to engage much with their constituents. Many felt they didn’t have to answer letters, hold surgeries, or assist with complex issues – they just had to turn up at the Commons when it was sitting, make sure they kept their whips happy, and return to their constituencies when there was an election.
Nowadays, the role of an MP has expanded dramatically. Every MP is now expected to do casework – answering queries from constituents and helping to fix their problems. Not doing so is not only viewed as electorally damaging – people are less likely to vote for an MP who doesn’t help them – but also as undermining the ethos of public service that forms the basis of the job. Those who run to become an MP know that they are expected to help people as well as perform their democratic duties, and a great many of those who are elected have a true commitment to doing so.
In this period of the corona pandemic the role of the MP has changed yet again with problems arising that they rarely faced before and having to respond to these problems from home. At the same time they have not been in the House of Commons to hold the Government to account and their traditional role initially began to slip considerably.
How has this changed the role of the MP and will some of these changes have lasting effects?

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Public Health Connects Us All - But Is It In Crisis
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
In this Podcast we talk to Charlotte Gath about public health and whether the Covid 19 epidemic has highlighted a deeper crisis in public health in the UK
Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease and injury prevention, and detecting, preventing and responding to infectious diseases.
Overall, public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. These populations can be as small as a local neighbourhood, or as big as an entire country or region of the world.
Coronavirus is the biggest public health crisis in a generation, but it is also highlighting the crisis in our working culture, our social care system and the NHS.
Charlotte Gath worked as a GP in Rugby for nearly ten years, as a tutor at Warwick Medical School and latterly as a Consultant in Public Health for Warwickshire County Council for four years.