
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Communications & Climate Change
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Journalism & Activism At A Time Of Climate Change
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
This Podcast is the next episode in the Conversations Across Borders” series. It is about the journey of Ragnhild Larsson a journalist who made the journey to become a climate change activist
This was a knowledge journey through the different aspect of this issue - a journey in the forefront of the climate change movement. A personal transformation, from a journalist to an activist.
In September 2015 Ragnhild Larsson . a Swedish journalist, based in Gothenburg started the podcast "The klimatpodden" about climate change. In her statement she told us
"I am worried and upset. The climate crisis changes everything. Why is this not the top priority in the media? How come our politicians don't address the climate crises we are in in a proper way." In Klimatpodden, the Swedish podcast about climate change you will meet researchers activists and entrepreneurs who act to handle the climate crises we are in the midst of."
This will be streamed live on Facebook where you can add your questions and comments

Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020
Does Enfield Council Avoid Robust & Proper Scrutiny
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020

Thursday May 21, 2020
Local Government & The Democratic Deficit
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
In this Podcast we discuss if there is a deficit of democracy on Enfield Council.
Democratic discussion, scrutiny and accountability of Government both national and local, are important at all times and especially at times of crisis. During the War, Winston Churchill always respected the House of Commons and made himself available for criticism through the darkest hours.
But there are some who believe that this is not happening in Enfield. The Leader of the Council is not following the Churchillian model of holding herself to account. The Cabinet has not met and no attempt has been made to have online digital sessions where accountability can take place - and at a time when there have been questions that need answering.
This is a feeling held by a large section of the Labour Party, the Greens, the Lib Dems and the Conservatives. So we have invited representatives of those Parties to discuss this on a Webinar and Joanne Laban for the Conservatives, Rob Wilson for the Lib Dems and David Flint of the Greens have all accepted. We have also written to the Labour Group but have had no answer..
The digital world offers great opportunities to engage and answer questions in depth and we thank all those who have agreed to engage this way and hope the Council Leadership will follow suit.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Making Business Green - Interview Of Georgia Elliott Smith
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
In this Podcast we interview Georgia Ellliott Smith on what a “green business” is and how you can make business green
A green company claims to act in a way which minimises damage to the environment. As global warming continues apace and becomes an increasingly prevalent topic amongst world governments, many companies are doing their part to become environmentally more responsible or “green".
But how green are they in actuality. Many companies has adopted the banner of corporate social responsibility but it is sometimes just a tick box operation and not embedded in the whole of the companies operations.
To ensure that a business is “green” with a minimal carbon footprint then what must it do and how can we ensure it does what it says on the label?
This is the discussion we will be having with Georgia who is an active member of Extinction Rebellion but also has a consultancy company that works with businesses that genuinely want to be sustainable and lower their carbon footprint - and with her colleagues she develops strategies to help them do that.

Thursday May 14, 2020
Considering Our Mortality: Katy Davies Interviews Mark Meatcher
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
In this Podcast Interview Katy Davies speaks to Rev Mark Meatcher about the aims of the campaign and his personal experience of helping families preparing for and dealing with bereavement.
Death is a subject that many of us prefer to avoid at the best of times but in a time of crisis where close friends or family are at risk of becoming seriously ill it is pushed to the forefront of our minds.
11-19 May is Dying Awareness Week which strives to make the topic more accessible and help people have those important conversations with loved ones.

Wednesday May 13, 2020
Corona Virus & The African Continent
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
In this Podcast we discuss with Iboro Otu from Nigeria how the Covid 19 pandemic has affected the African Continent and especially Nigeria.
In the UK and much of Europe we have had basic infrastructures like health services as well as an active voluntary sector ( as in Enfield) and although hugely under strain they have coped in the most difficult of circumstances.
But what happens in countries where that infrastructure is not there and where water is not always available and on tap. How do countries with widespread urban as well as trial communities enforce lockdown and social distancing. And how do Governments both cope and respond.
These are some of the issues that we will discuss in this podcast which is one in our “Conversation Across Borders” series done through a collaboration of Travesdreams and GlobalNet21

Friday May 08, 2020
Urban Parks & Climate Change Action Planning
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
In this Podcast interview we look at discussions between some voluntary Friends of Parks in the London Borough of Enfield to create a common approach towards climate change.
We will be interviewing Kim Lumley from the Friends of Broomfield Park - an attractive Park in the London Borough of Enfield about his ongoing discussions to collaborate with others to develop a strategy for Parks in the Borough.
Here we will focus on the potential benefits of Urban Parks and the Friends plan for Broomfield Park with the idea that collaborating with other Friends of parks and Greenspaces groups being raised as a future proposal. Doing this would great potential both for actions but also engagement and increasing involvement with volunteers and the community.
At present their focus is on their actions in Broomfield Park and they are in the early stages having carried out a review before moving on to an Action Plan for the Park to agree with the Council for the coming year. So we will discuss the ideas that Kim and his colleagues have had and are having with others, how he views sustainability and local bio diversity and how a strategy can be developed the would involve others
You can visit Friends of Broomfield Park Here … https://www.friendsofbroomfieldpark.org/

Friday May 01, 2020
Mobilising The Community In A Time Of Climate Change
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
The Covid 19 emergency has shown that there is such a thing as society and that the community can organise at great speed at a time of crisis. But can it do that with the even bigger crisis that will affect us all this century - climate change.
In this Podcast we we will be discussing with Emma Rigby and Adam Mcgibbon how they think civil society can contribute at such a time of crisis
Emma mobilised her local community in Enfield almost immediately the corona virus went global and within days she had assembled 600 volunteers. She has also mobilised volunteers to run community safety patrols around schools where students had been mugged. Adam also organised volunteers to help those in need because of the corona crisis in his local are. As well he has run a campaign with others to get Enfield Council to divest from fossil fuels.
So how important will this type of mobilisation be as the climate change crisis unfolds on us and how can the community become involved. What can they do and how can they help us all to adapt to this crisis and mitigate some of its effects.